Financial Hardship Grants

The following grants provide financial support for emergency hardship situations.

The Church Times TAP Fund is a general hardship fund for ordinands. You cannot apply for this directly, but must approach them through your DDO.

Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust: ‘Hardship grants are available to assist Preachers, Leaders of Worship and their families, with immediate financial need. The circumstances in which grants may be awarded are varied, and therefore there is no definitive list of situations which demonstrate immediate financial need. All applications will be considered by the trustees on a case-by-case basis so as enable us to offer support to people in need in a broad range of situations.’

Several organization offers grants to those of a particular theological conviction. These include:

The CPAS Ministers in Training Fund: ‘Grants are given to ordinands during training who are in genuine need of financial support, and are struggling with daily living expenses or unexpected costs.’ Applicants must signify ‘agreement with the principles upon which the ministry of CPAS is based and their full assent to the CPAS Basis of Faith‘.

The Elland Society offers grants to those ‘with a need related to your official training, which is not provided for in your official church grant (this will tend to fall in the category of specific need, unforeseen expenditure, or overseas mission)’. Applicants must be ‘evangelical in conviction and outlook (for example as borne witness to by the Basis of Faith of the Church of England Evangelical Council)’.

The Clergy Support Trust do not give emergency grants to ordinands, but they do offer Debt Support: ‘At the very least, we will be able to signpost you to an expert debt advice organisation (regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) that will look at your individual circumstances and offer tailored advice to your situation.’